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Maxine, who has studied both counseling & music, was a nursing home administrator /owner who loved working with mentally ill adults for many years until her retirement in 2006.

  She now stays active with caring for & loving an Afghan family who recently came to St Louis, speaking no English. She enjoys spending time hunting mushrooms, participating in the Ethical Society of St. Louis, hiking, traveling & singing with the Black Tulip Chorale. She is a

Master Gardener with the Missouri Botanical Garden, Master Naturalist with the MO Department of Conservation & the author of  Missouri’s Wild Mushrooms.Maxine has lived

in St. Louis County for many years but now is enjoying city life in the Central West End.

“F.F.F.P. Fun, Friends, Food & stay Positive!  As a retired person, I try to enjoy life…have fun.  And that fun is usually with friends.

  Friendships are very important to me.  And food, yes food. I love quality food…whether homemade or in a restaurant.  Steering all of this ismy quest to stay positive.  Why waste precious time on negativity?  In July, I broke my ankle, had surgery after I fell hiking in the Tetons & was non-weight bearing for 2 months. 

At first, I thought of all the things I couldn’t do, but soon became incredibly grateful that this wasn't a permanent physical situation.

By late October, I was in Barcelona &Sardinia having fun with

friends, eating incredible food, hunting mushrooms & using a

walking stick for an average 15,000 steps per day.”

A video of Maxine:

CLG Photographics, Inc. ©2019
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Developed by: Rylan Anderson and Alex LeDuc, Updated 2/24/2023 by Rylan Anderson

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